Breaking silence on Breaking Dawn **Major Spoilers** including possible part 2 spoilers
Adorable hubs & I went to the midnight showing of Breaking Dawn last night. This will not be in order of events of the movie by the way, just per the blog title, whatever comes to mind. I really enjoyed it (hubs liked it too). I think it was the best adaptation as of yet.
Yes they have to add the action for the boys, I understand that now. It was good, just still sick of Edward losing every damn time. What's the point in being able to read minds if you lose every single fight you are in. Twilight: he almost won. He had James against the wall was about to rip him apart but Carlisle stopped him New Moon: Felix almost ripped you apart, Eclipse: Victoria & Riley almost ripped you apart. New Moon fight was only added for the boys which makes it worse because according to SM's lore if you fight the Volturi you die...well he didn't die but it was pretty damn close (which really scares me for Part 2). In Eclipse Bella only had to do the 3rd wife thing because the fight was too close not because he was thisclose to being turned into a rock pile.
Ok...back to the lecture at hand. Breaking Dawn. The fight with the wolves was really good. Loved that Leah stepped up and saved Esme, it would have have been nice to see her like that in the book. I felt so bad for Esme when she offered the sandwich and she turned her nose up at it, now in the book it was a full course meal offered so maybe Leah was bummed they spent all their budget on the wedding that they couldn't afford some steak and potatoes.
Missed some of the banter between Rose & Jacob, would have been some very necessary comic relief like in the book.
The only issue I had with book Edward was the whole "she can have puppies" thing, the boy was afraid he was going to lose the love of his existence, he has the right to be mopey and depressed, since we've known since September the whole "You've given me know choice!" we knew he'd be raising his voice and we would get "angryward" but still wasn't prepared for it.
I know they wont get it but the makeup department should get some kind of recognition. Bella looked just scary and still trying to figure out if the baby broke her spine which caused the placenta to detach b/c that was some cirque du soleil type contortion. Not to be funny but looked like something out of Alien, it was more disturbing than anything. I so wanted to look away but I just couldn't let myself.
The worst part about the birth was the cutting, and the sounds of his "getting the baby out" I didn't watch it through my fingers but if it was any other movie I would have.
The whole Imprinting scene was done very well, but does the fact that Jacob had a vision of future Reneesme mean they wont be worried about her fast development in part 2? One thing though, he never looked at the baby until he saw her with Rose when he was going to kill her. In the movie he looked at her like 2 times I think and nothing. Maybe because he was still focused on Bella but just an observation or maybe I pay too much attention to the books.
Edward trying to resuscitate Bella was so just wow. I didn't cry. It takes alot for me to cry, mainly animal movies do it, not usually humans except for "Love Actually" but that's a different blog entry for another time. It was really good. You could see the desperation, Mr Pattinson captured it perfectly in my opinion.
I loved the transformation. Someone just posted it on tumblr & I had to watch it again, of course not as good as onscreen but I had to. I was wondering, is that supposed to be her seeing her life pass before he eyes as her heart stops and she "dies" and if so how do you top that in Part 2 when she lowers her shield & Edward can FINALLY hear her thoughts.
Liked the Wolves. Even hubs liked the wolves. He said they looked much better. The past two movies he's complained that they look like puppies and too cute. His exact words for the new movie "Yeah, they were alot better" that is definitely saying alot. At first the whole hearing thoughts thing made my head hurt because they added it with him running and it was happening so fast and everyone talking at once but I loved how he broke from the pack. I was like "Go Jacob" even hubs was impressed. I wish I could remember every little comment hubs made during the movie, he had me cracking up. Could have used more Seth/Leah/Jacob like in the book which is funny for me to say since I didn't appreciate them until I re-read it in September. The first time I read BD in November 2008 I initially skipped over Jacobs book.
One thing I must say, Edward in period clothing is just awesomesauce. I still love the scene in Twilight where the Quillete tribe come across them. I love that damn hat he's wearing, so to have like 10 minutes of him in 20's 30's clothing :D.
The wedding was beautiful. It was so cute how scared and nervous she was until she saw him waiting for her. That was just "awww". All I could think of during the kiss was "The Wedding Singer" & "church tongue", yeah they weren't in a church but hello your parents are in the audience. Glad they brought to light Irina & Laurent. I figured they would since she came to the wedding. I take it she goes back in part 2 to apologize for her outburst at the wedding. Wonder if they will ever mention Tanya lusting after Edward.
Just remember that I was hoping they did the whole bouquet/garter toss just so he could toss it to Mike although the toasts were just hilarious. Not sure whose was my favorite, Charlie's,Jessica's or Emmett's lol. I think Charlie's wins though lol.
The infamous love scene was nice, honestly after everything else that happened in the movie it doesn't stand out except for the bed demolition. Someone near hubs said "DAYUMNN" when you see that the bed was demolished, that was too funny.
The "middle credit scene" even though we saw part of it in the trailer was still good. Lesson for the evening: if you want to work for the Volturi, know your spelling & grammar. Mess up and unemployment is the least of your worries.
All in all, this was an excellent movie and I WILL be seeing it again this weekend. Probably 4 times total and will buy it when it comes out on DVD.
Ok, after my second viewing of possible many future viewings I see that Leah jumped in to help Alice not Esme, that still made me smile that she did.
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